html5 radio player jQuery


Here you can test your stream and create Code for LUNA RADIO PLAYER.

  • Basic Settings

    Name from your radio

    URL to your radio stream

    Type of Shoutcast2, Icecast2 or other

  • Shoutcast2 Settings

    Shoutcast 2 stream path

    Shoutcast 2 stream id

  • Icecast2 Settings

    Icecast 2 mount point

  • Radionomy Settings

    Radionomy your radio UID
    is available under the settings tab of the RMO -> Technical Information

    Radionomy your personal API key
    is available under the settings tab of the RMO -> Technical Information

  • Radiojar Settings

    Radiojar stream name (p.e.: 0uset1rq2ceuv)

  • Settings station id (p.e.: s5c5da6a36)

  • Other Stream Settings

    This is a special option: "/;type=mp3" or "#".

  • Theme Settings

    2 diffrent version

    only for big user interface

    width in px or %

    height in px or %

    Controls the border size of player (in px)

    set the RGB value for your background

    Controls the border position

    Radius from the top left corner (in px)

    Radius from the top right corner (in px)

    Radius from the bottom left corner (in px)

    Radius from the bottom right corner (in px)

    set the RGB value from your native flash radio player theme

    set the RGB value from your font

    set the RGB value for your background

    is the font family name

    The google font name for loading.

    Font size beetween radio name and artist - songtitle

    Your Cover Image with your logo

    does not load song cover

    Display the live icon

    Activate text scroll

    Scroll Direction from radio name

    Scroll Direction from song title

    Scroll Speed from radio name (0.25 - 2.0)

    Scroll Speed from title (0.25 - 2.0)

    Display text from offline radio station

  • Visualizer

    "REAL" will only works on Streams with CORS POLICY

    Type of animation from a sound-analyzer

    Activate Multicolor Mode from Visualizer

    multicolor visualizer

    multicolor visualizer

    multicolor visualizer

    multicolor visualizer

    Opacity from Visualizer

    Blur from Visualizer

    Display the visualizer button on the big userinterface

    Ghost from Visualizer

    Blur from Visualizer Ghost

  • MetaData Settings (Artist - Title)

    Type of loading meta data

    If you have a own URL for your Artist - Songtitle

    Use a CORS PROXY Server for missing CORS-POLICY to read the Meta-Data

    The interval for reading song information (in ms)

  • Advanced Settings

    Unique name of your DIV container

    If you want use cover feature with iTunes Affiliate Program.

    Use the CORS PROXY for your stream URL.

    Set the start volume

    use local storage

    user interact required

    for developers


[lunaradio id='lunaradio' width='100%' height='700px' radiustopleft='0px' radiustopright='0px' radiusbottomleft='0px' radiusbottomright='0px' borderposition='none' bordercolor='#ffffff' bordersize='0px' token='' userinterface='big' backgroundcolor='rgba(14,16,21,0.5)' fontcolor='#ffffff' hightlightcolor='#fa225b' fontname='' googlefont='' fontratio='0.4' radioname='Radio Name' offlinetext='Radio is offline' scroll='true' scrollradioname='left' scrolltitle='right' scrollradionamespeed='0.25' scrolltitlespeed='0.25' coverimage='' onlycoverimage='false' coverstyle='circle' usevisualizer='real' visualizertype='5' multicolorvisualizer='false' color1='#e66c35' color2='#d04345' color3='#85a752' color4='#067dcc' visualizeropacity='0.9' visualizerblur='0' visualizerghostblur='0' visualizerghost='0.0' itunestoken='1000lIPN' metadatatechnic='fallback' ownmetadataurl='' corsproxy='' usestreamcorsproxy='false' streamurl='' streamtype='shoutcast2' icecastmountpoint='' radionomyid='' radionomyapikey='' radiojarid='' radiocoid='' shoutcastpath='/electronic.mp3' shoutcastid='1' streamsuffix='' metadatainterval='20000' volume='90' debug='false' uselocalstorage='false' autoplay='false' displayliveicon='true' displayvisualizericon='true' ]					


<div id="lunaradio" style='width:100%; height:700px;
-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 0px;
  -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 0px;
  -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 0px;
  -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 0px;
  -moz-border-radius-topleft: 0px;
  -moz-border-radius-topright: 0px;
  -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 0px;
  -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 0px;
  border-top-left-radius: 0px;
  border-top-right-radius: 0px;
  border-bottom-right-radius: 0px;
  border-bottom-left-radius: 0px;
  border: none;'>
<div style="overflow:hidden; height:0px; width:0px;"><a href="" title="native html internet radio player plugin">NATIVE INTERNET WEB RADIO PLAYER PLUGIN FOR SHOUTCAST, ICECAST AND RADIONOMY</a> powered by <a href="" title="WordPress Webdesign Agentur Mainz">WordPress Webdesign Agentur Mainz</a></div>
window.addEventListener("load", function () {
    lunaRadio("lunaradio",{ token: "",
		userinterface: "big",
		backgroundcolor: "rgba(14,16,21,0.5)",
		fontcolor: "#ffffff",
		hightlightcolor: "#fa225b",
		fontname: "",
		googlefont: "",
		fontratio: "0.4",
		radioname: "Radio Name",
		offlinetext: "Radio is offline",
		scroll: "true",
		scrollradioname: "left",
		scrolltitle: "right",
		scrollradionamespeed: "0.25",
		scrolltitlespeed: "0.25",
		coverimage: "",
		onlycoverimage: "false",
		coverstyle: "circle",
		usevisualizer: "real",
		visualizertype: "5",
		multicolorvisualizer: "false",
		color1: "#e66c35",
		color2: "#d04345",
		color3: "#85a752",
		color4: "#067dcc",
		visualizeropacity: "0.9",
		visualizerghost: "0.0",
		visualizerblur: "0",
		visualizerghostblur: "0",
		itunestoken: "1000lIPN",
		metadatatechnic: "fallback",
		ownmetadataurl: "",
		streamurl: "",
		streamtype: "shoutcast2",
		icecastmountpoint: "",
		radionomyid: "",
		radionomyapikey: "",
		radiojarid: "",
		radiocoid: "",
		shoutcastpath: "/electronic.mp3",
		shoutcastid: "1",
		streamsuffix: "",
		metadatainterval: "20000",
		volume: "90",
		debug: "false",
		uselocalstorage: "false",
		autoplay: "false",
		displayliveicon: "true",
		displayvisualizericon: "true",
	usestreamcorsproxy: "false", 
	corsproxy: "",


This servers are supported by the Luna Radio Player Plugin