html5 radio player jQuery


Software purchased from Envato/Codecanyon does not have installation support. However, you are welcome to inform us about bugs in the software, and we will fix them as soon as possible.

We would like to help a little bit here:

  • Can I test the plugin before buying it?

    Yes and No!

    Because a token is needed to work with the plugin, you can only test the plugin in the shortcode generator here on this page.

  • Why is the title and artist not displayed?

    1. Correct Streaming Type?
    Check if the correct streaming type is selected.

    2. Is this information output via the meta data?
    Check if the metadata is output.

    3. metadatatechnic = fallback
    If this variant is used, then the following web server requirements are needed:
    -php is using
    -php.ini: allow_url_fopen = On
    -php.ini: disable_functions-parameter has no values of: CURL or file_get or file_put
    -firewall from the webserver allowed cross-scripting

    4. metadatatechnic = directly
    If this variant is used, then the following web server requirements are needed:
    - CORS POLICY on you streaming server

    5. metadatatechnic = ownmetadataurl
    Here must be a plain text based file. This can be presented e.g. by PHP. XML or JSON are not supported.
    It is important that the file is located on the same webserver as the plugin. If it is on a different server the CORS POLICY is needed here.

    6. metadatatechnic = stream-icy-meta
    If this variant is used, then the following web server requirements are needed:
    -php is using
    -php.ini: allow_url_fopen = On
    -php.ini: disable_functions-parameter has no values of: CURL or file_get or file_put
    -firewall from the webserver allowed cross-scripting

  • Why does the token not work?

    1. Is the token built into the code?
    Please check if the generated token is built into the code.

    2. Is the domain correct?
    Check if the correct domain including subdomain was used when creating the token.

    3. www or non www
    It is important to enter the correct domain with or without www. So check before if the domain has a www or not.

  • How often can I generate a token?

    Plugins from Envato/Codecanyon have a license for one domain. The plugin may only be installed on one domain. You can generate up to 5 tokens, which can also be used for moving or the development environment.

  • How can I move the plugin to another domain?

    The plugin requires a token. For moving to another domain a new token is needed. It is possible to generate up to 5 tokens. When these are used up, a new plugin must be purchased.

  • Why does the radio not start?

    1. mixed content
    Once the website is SSL encrypted, the stream must also be SSL encrypted. This can be recognized by the prefix HTTPS.

    2. audio - visualizer
    If the audio-visualizer is used in mode: real, is a CORS-POLICY required at the streaming server.

    3. URL syntax
    Please check the URL syntax of the streaming server. There must not be a slash at the end. Enter only the exact URL of the server. How this has to look like, you can read in the documentation under the respective streaming types.

  • Can you display your own covers for the song?

    Unfortunately, this is not possible, because the plugin determines the cover via the iTunes API and cannot extract the image from the stream.

  • Why is the full-size player not displayed? Why does the % not work for the height?

    The CSS height property, when used with a percentage value, is calculated with respect to the element's containing block. You need to set a height on all your parent elements including body and html.
    Alternatively, you can enter vh instead of %. P.E.: for a full height: 100vh.

  • Why does the autoplay only work sporadically?

    Autoplay is disabled since recent browser changes and requires user interaction with the page before (like a click or keypress) to start playback.

  • Why can't I control the volume on iOS devices with the player?

    Volume cannot control the on Apple IOS with javascript, you have to use the physical button on the actual phone.

  • Can the radio keep playing while navigating the page?

    This is only possible if the navigation of the page is programmed with AJAX. This means that not the complete page is reloaded, but only parts of it. The radio must then be in the area that is always visible and not reloaded.

  • How often are there updates

    The plugin is constantly being further developed and optimised. The reason for this is the constant changes made by browser manufacturers. We want to keep the plugin as compatible as possible. New functions are gradually integrated based on customer requests. Finished updates are posted directly here. 4 times a year there will be an update on the codecanyon platform.

  • Can I refund the plugin?

    Basically, you can only refund the plugin via envato/codecanyon.
    The following requirements:

    - No token has been generated
    - The plugin has not yet been downloaded


This servers are supported by the Luna Radio Player Plugin